My Classroom Website

 Gold Team Expectations


Student Behavior


A level one offense will be handled this way:

· Desk conference

· Hall conference

·       Parent contact via phone or email

·    Conference with counselor

· Referral

Student Attendance 

What does a team tardy look like:

 · Must be working when bell rings. 

The team policy for absences and make up work is:

 · With three days notice, teachers will give work to students for

       known, upcoming absences.

· Work missed during suspension can be made up upon return. 

Student Work 

The team homework policy will be:

 · Minimum one homework assignment per class per week.

 Will your team accept late work?

The policy will look like:

 · No late work will be accepted without extenuating circumstances. 

What will extra credit look like: 

· There is rarely opportunity for extra credit.  

Student Grades 

Teacher responsibilities:

 · Grades will be posted/updated on Friday.

 Student Responsibilities:

 · Track class grades on Fridays